Teddy Bears Picnic & Opening of Irongate Field

Wed, 2014-06-11 18:05 -- contenteditor
Date time: 
Saturday, July 19, 2014 - 12:00
Harlow Moor Road, Harrogate (Next to Harrogate Spring Water)

To celebrate the opening of the Irongate Field we will be holding a teddy bears picnic. This event is free and open to all to pack a picnic and a blanket from 12pm to 2pm.  Harrogate Mayor Cllr Jim Clark will be formerly opening the site at 1pm.

Our new information board will also be revealed created by award winning Harry Potter artist Jason Cockcroft who is also hoping to attend.

Pinewoods and Billoby Bear will be available for a picture.  There will also be a BBQ by 20th Harrogate Scounts and ice creams from Brios to buy plus a number of stalls to view. Fun for all the family!

The event is sponsored by Harrogate Spring Water.

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