Developers Taylor Wimpey were granted outline planning permission for 124 homes adjacent to the Pinewoods. The site is between Otley Road, Crag Lane and the Pinewoods. They are now looking to submit a reserved matters application in September 2016 that will finalise the plans. As the development will be undertaken with no further right of appeal the Pinewoods Conservation Group is looking to work in collaboration with the developers to reduce impact in the woods and its wildlife.
This page will sumarise the issues raised to us by members and proposed actions suggested and agreed with the developers. However, if you have any views then please contact us.
A number of bats exisit within the woods and numbers are increasing. As such further roosting boxes within the Pinewoods should be considered. There are currently over 100 bird and bat boxes within the woods but more could be installed. The site to be developed has been confirmed as a place bats forage with bat activity being categorised as "moderate" to "high" that is a major concern.
A copy of the ecology survey can be found at the links below that makes a number of recommendations that the PCG will suggest are carried out, including the installation of further boxes.
The Pinewoods is fortunate to have many nesting birds both within the many bird boxes but elsewhere within the woods and surrounding areas. Some hedgerows may be removed during the development. Legislation will ensure that any hedgerows are assessed by an independent assessor before removal. A request will be made to the developers to ensure bird boxes exist within their landscaped areas and to look at funding additional boxes within the Pinewoods.
A detailed landscaping plan can be found within the consultation boards as below that includes the planting of many new trees and native hedges. There are also a number of areas of open green space and is encouraging. However, there could be opportunity for areas of native wild flowers that would support further bio-diversity within the site. PCG will look to work with the developers to ensure this is not a missed opportunity.
The PCG is in year 2 of a 3 year plan to reduce invasive Himalayan balsam within the woods. Balsam has been identified on the border of the development site and the Pinewoods. As such a request will be made to the developers to assist with the funding of the reduction project.
Boundary Impact
The PCG would look to at much distance as possible between the woods and any buildings. In the main the distances look to be acceptable apart from a number of single storey garages near to the northern boundary. The PCG will asked the developers to reconsider these structures. (light green on the story height page).
Footpath and Cycling Provision
A new footpath is proposed from the development at the top north corner of the site into the Pinewoods. This would currently look to join an un-maintained and often unusable un-surfaced path within the woods. As such the PCG will look to work with the developers and Harrogate Council in considering a proper path from the site to Nursery Lane East. Consideration could also be given to this being suitable for cyclists to reduce the number of riders on the millennium path.
More details can be found on the official site via